Created in 2003, Street Presence, an innovative, marketing savvy, Atlanta based company, began to flourish and later took off as a corporate entity in early 2006. SP offers a full-range of promotional, marketing and event planning services dedicated to transforming traditional marketing strategies into dynamic cutting-edge campaigns with “streetwise edge”.
These campaigns are designed to help your company beat the odds, by increasing its revenue while keeping costs low. This is important because in today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with marketing messages, and many businesses find it difficult to maintain their pre-eminence in their respective fields. Thus, it is imperative that a company stands out and SP helps your company do just that from inception to execution!
SP’s street team can ensure that your potential consumers can see, feel, touch and get good quality information about your product. We pride ourselves in exposing your brand and brand messages to their target demographic and igniting social influence that can begin in local markets and resonate across the US.
Our commitment to provide the most detailed and accurate promotional performance is authenticated by: * Focus Groups * Pre and Post Buyer Analysis
Offline Services include but are not limited to: We offer services such as: CD distribution, Artist Promotions, Branding, Event Staffing, Mobile Marketing, Product Placement, Guerrilla Marketing, Street Team Promotions, Sampling, Product Demonstrators, Wild Posting, Experiential Marketing, Flyer Distribution and MORE.
Online Services include but are not limited to: Web Design, Online Street Team and Online Grass Roots Presence. Contact us today! Here are some examples of work that we have carried out: Image Gallery.